Virgo Horoscope for September 2022

Virgo Horoscope for September 2022

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Virgo, beginning just before September with the New Moon in your sign in the last days of August. This potent lunation presages a fresh start for you in terms of self-concept and the way that you reach out to meet others, and also for your avocational focus, which gets an unexpected boost as well. Your values are on the line, and subject to revelation and alteration. This is especially so as your ruler, Mercury, begins its retrograde motion on September 9th, in Libra. Partnership in your life is emphasized in the Pisces Full Moon of the very next day, the 10th. Mercury makes its way back into your sign from September 23rd until October 10th, when it re-enters Libra. With the retrograde you find yourself in an introspective mode concerning values and beliefs, and ultimately your own sense of self. You will likely be questioning everything most strongly mid-month, when the Moon is in your career sector. Your intuitional awareness is quite powerfully present to you throughout. You are encouraged on the part of the Universe to be true to yourself first and foremost, and then everything else will follow.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent New Moon in your sign on August 27th offered a major reset and initiated a fresh cycle for most of September that is involved with your overall well-being. This revitalizing energy permeates much of the current month and makes way for new energy to come into your life in the months ahead. September emphasizes your goals, your career and more extensively your sense of self-worth, your values and the resources you have available to move forward. Mars in Gemini received a dynamic square from this New Moon, in the part of your chart that relates to your career and your ambitions. This is rather huge for you, emphasizing expansive pressure coming from your responsibilities and your personal goals. Expansion is also somewhat muted in September with your ruling planet Mercury slowing down and preparing to station retrograde. You might have to progress deliberately towards your goals as opposed to thrusting yourself forward without proper planning. Your best strategy might be to study the various angles of a situation and postpone making a decision on new ideas that come up in September until the following mid-month. You may have to re-evaluate your plans by then to fit new elements. Keeping your options open could therefore ensure that you do not miss out on the best case scenario.

Venus enters your sign on the 4th which may help you get in touch with your needs and what you genuinely want in the weeks ahead. Venus will be in Virgo until the end of September, increasing your natural charms and helping you make the most of your social connections.

On the 9th, the second weekend of September arrives early with Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of Libra, corresponding to your values and resources including financial ones. In the weeks ahead, the Mercury Retrograde period offers an opportunity to reassess your goals and the means you have at your disposal to achieve them.

The Full Moon culminates in Pisces on September 10th, your relationship sector, and this could therefore highlight your partnerships and the people you’ve been relying on to support you. There may be some kind of turning point that sets in at this time. You might be feeling the need to acknowledge the give and take of your relationships to ensure that they are helping you progress. If tension has been building up with someone, this Full Moon might give you the chance to understand the dynamic more clearly and begin to take steps to correct the situation, moving slowly however.

On September 15th through the 18th, the Sun in your sign is making an opposition with Neptune, which forms and fades while becoming exact on the 16th. It may be hard during this time to know the true intentions of others and there could be confusion between your needs and the needs of someone else in your life. Venus also coming into a dynamic square with Mars in Gemini on these same days and might mean that your values and your desires could be feeling somewhat at odds and harder to reconcile.

On the 16th through the 19th, there could be tension between your desire for progress and your need to play it safe, highlighted by Mercury Retrograde in Libra opposing Jupiter in Aries. There might be a lot of factors trying to propel you into the unknown and you may be compelled to take a few calculated risks.

The Last Quarter Moon on September 17th is an interesting and somewhat conflicted time when you will be thinking in idealistic ways about future projects. The Sun in your sign is also forming a trine with Pluto on the 18th through the 20th while Venus trines Uranus on the 19th through the 20th, bringing much support for progressive envisioning and the ability to evolve relatively seamlessly out of your old ways of thinking and doing.

The Sun ingresses into the sign of Libra on the 22nd which signals the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. On the 22nd through 23rd, the Sun almost immediately meets up with Mercury Retrograde for its inferior conjunction; an important moment for Mercury as it gets purified in the solar rays bringing back insights or clarity before re-entering the sign of Virgo later on the same day. This sequence of aspects could bring clues related to your sense of autonomy and how you can best move forward at this time. Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune on the 23rd through 24th may however continue to highlight blurred boundaries between you and others and confusion around what you shared with others could come up.

The New Moon in Libra on September 25th might be your invitation to return to basics and strip things back down to what you truly need and want. There is new momentum related to your sense of autonomy beginning at this time but you may still have to compromise with others. Jupiter in Aries opposes the New Moon from the part of your chart that relates to intimate bonds but also business partnerships. You may have to find a delicate balance of give and take between you and others especially if they are helping you progress. Mercury is still moving retrograde in Virgo and comes into a trine with Pluto on the 25th through 27th. This is an aspect which occurred in mid-August and will happen once more at the beginning of October, as Mercury stations to direct motion, highlighting the need you may have to pursue your passions. This might continue to be reinforced as long as you compromise on your goals and it could be wise to seize the opportunities you have for progress at this time.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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