An April Month of Deep Alignment and Determined Effort

An April Month of Deep Alignment and Determined Effort

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The month of April features some powerful alignments that can either be utilized to advantage, or their messages lost. The first of these is from the Libra Full Moon of the last weekend of the previous month, a powerful triple conjunction of the Sun, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Venus, all at 8 degrees of Aries, opposed the Moon at the same degree of Libra. This brings up the possibility of inner wounding, perhaps involved with relationship, coming to the fore in that timing, and over the first ten days of April, leading up to the Aries New Moon of April 11th. It must be remembered as well that Venus also figured prominently in the Pisces New Moon of mid-March, when she was conjunct numinous Neptune. This is a lot of Venus. The lovely and resourceful Venusian archetype is also closely configured in the Aries New Moon of Sunday, April 11th, when she is conjunct both the New Moon and the new planet, Eris, Feminine Warrior energy in support of soul intention.

This volatile cycle of configurations ties Venus to Neptune, Chiron, and Eris in turn, signaling that her areas of relationship, art and aesthetics, are very much on our minds and in our hearts. Because masculine Mars is highlighted this month as well, there is a balance of male and female energy in the mix of cosmic relationships; symbolism for us to reflect upon and deal with, as this April month continues to unfold.

Chiron, highlighted in the March 28th Full Moon configuration, is given additional emphasis by its semi-sextile to Uranus in Taurus, exact to a few minutes of a degree in the April 11th New Moon configuration, and remaining within a degree for the next two months. Uranus with Chiron bring our intuitive awareness into the picture of connecting with our own inner wounding. With all the Venus-Mars emphasis that is also a key ingredient of this month’s astrology, this can apply to relationship situations, and as well to issues of self-worth in general. It is important in any case that we recognize our own part, what is within ourselves, in whatever comes up for us emotionally.

It is a huge challenge, yet also an extremely benefit, if you can stay open to what is going on deep inside, accepting your dark places within, and somehow come to terms with these hidden flaws. By giving them loving attention, you might be able to come a long way toward beginning to heal these issues deep inside yourself. This is a lifetime task, but is “good trouble,” to borrow a phrase from the BLM movement. Another quote about befriending inner wounding is from Ram Dass; he said, regarding these hidden complexes, the residue of early childhood trauma, that while at first they are scary monsters that can seemingly take us over at any time, they instead become “these little shmoos that you can invite in for tea.” This difficult and yet extremely worthwhile effort of making friends with the hurt places inside you might turn out to form an important component of this April month.

The other remarkable feature of April’s astrology is the dramatic presence of Eris, Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention, that aligns with the April 11th New Moon degree, and also with Venus, being at the 2-degree midpoint of Sun-Moon/Venus in the New Moon timing. What might this Eris emphasis imply for us, as we go about our normal tasks and as we participate in the evolutionary development that is our birthright? Simply that we are being given a nudge by the universe to more fully investigate the deep-seated motives that truly drive us. As is appropriate with highlighted Venus in these current astrological skies, this has to do with values. We will want to be asking ourselves, which of our beliefs derive from our conditioning, or from consensus thought, and which on the other hand might we identify as our ultimate criteria, that which we will fight for? The answer provides its own prescription, and solution, namely that we adhere to those bottom-line principles that we can thoroughly identify, and proceed to act based on these and on nothing else.

The transformational archetype of Pluto is also highlighted this month, Pluto being about to station in the timing of the Scorpio Full Moon of the 26th and 27th, and remaining the focal point of a T-square from Eris and the new Nature planet, Haumea. We as individuals, and our society also, will continue to undergo massive evolutionary changes for the remainder of this year.

Because both of these new Nature planets, Haumea and Makemake, are highlighted in the timing of the major lunations of April, we are reminded once again, that environmental issues are indeed a key ingredient of what we, as humans, must accomplish during the span of this current decade if we are to survive – and eventually thrive – as a 21st-civilization.

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